Green D
Clubhouse Work
I would like to start this update with a huge thank you to the various volunteers that have been working very hard to get our club ready for this year and the future, and working to reopen our club during these unique times.
As you can see from the numerous emails that we have been working diligently through the volume of rules that we must adhere to reopen the club during this pandemic. There has been a lot of work done to ensure that all members will be safe when we reopen on June 22nd. We will be ensuring the safety of our club members comes first and that all rules and guidelines are followed when we open. To some of you these may seem excessive but as a non-profit club we must follow government, association, and insurance company requirements.
The kitchen, bar and office will be off limits to all members (except directors), we will look to open these spaces as things progress this summer.
At this point in time, only members will be allowed to bowl, no guests, no corporate events, or other type events will be allowed.
I want to emphasize that social distancing and cleaning are the most critical elements of the return to play. With this in mind we will be very strict in ensuring that all members follow these processes, all members will be expected to sanitize any areas that they come in contact with, and to respect the safety officers when they ask you to do something.
What has been going on the club.
Keith Wylie – Vice President We are pleased to announce that once again we have been selected to host the 2021 Canadian Majors and Singles at our club. At this point in time there are a lot of unanswered questions as to how this will proceed but we will be coordinating with Bowls Canada and Bowls Alberta. More to come in future communications.
Doug Woodward – Facilities Director The following areas have been done or are underway, safety (lighting, access), security (fencing and access), fixing drainage issues, and appearance (exterior paint see picture above).
I would like to personally thank Doug and Mary Anne for the enormous amount of work they have done around the clubhouse (hundreds of volunteer hours).
Shannon Ross-Watson – Membership Director has been setting up a new Jitney board and working on the gardens with assistance from Gayell Slater and Anita Miron.
Gayell’s husband replaced the wheel and undercarriage on one of the wheelbarrows and also rebuilt the platform in front of the garage..
In addition to this Shannon has taken on the chair of the relaunch committee (members Doug and Mary Anne Woodward, Sandra Young, Brian Ranger). This committee has worked very hard on getting everything ready for us to bowl again this year.
Chris Underwood – Treasurer Chris continues to issue cheques and respond to all of the many reports and updates required for the club to operate and maintain its non-profit status.
Glen Mossman – Greens Director Ursula has been doing her spring start up routine on A and B green preparing them for when (if) we start the season and is now preparing them for readiness by June 22nd. (see Green D update below)
Green D work
The bowls committee (Glen Mossman, Brian Ranger, Lyall Adams, Keith Wylie and Ursula Poitras) have put together a plan to replace the plinth boards and fix up the D green. (horizon grant of $25,000 has been received) We continue to work on redoing green D as previously mentioned there have been numerous trials and tribulations while we have been working hard on this project. To date we have put in hundreds of volunteer hours on this project and would like to thank Bob Griffith, Roy Reige, and Roger Allen for their assistance on this ongoing project. We have successfully replaced the Plinth boards and removed the sod and excess root zone material from the green which is now at the original level from 1978.
We are planning to upgrade the plinth boards on C green and Ursula will be spending this summer upgrading this green. This will be a minimum cost as the D green renovation has taught us that a major revamping of a green is a major project and not to be undertaken lightly.
In closing I would like to thank all of our members for their patience during this trying time, and wish all of you safe bowing in the weeks to come.