When reading this document keep in mind the following: Relaxing of covid protocols is a major change. Not all members will want to make all these changes immediately. All members MUST respect the concerns and desires of their fellow members who are more comfortable with a more gradual relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions. Determine how your fellow rinks mates feel and respect their answers.
Now the changes:
Roles and responsibilities of the Clean-up Lead, Draw Master and Day Safety Officer have changed. Completely read these duty descriptions below so you can fulfill the role as needed! All 3 volunteers may now bowl that day.
Jacks and mats will be available to be picked up from the cart which will be outside near the greens. Use of the Red X/Black X is no longer required unless requested by any player on a rink. Return jacks and mats to the cart after play.
Rakes can be used – pick up and return as per normal.
NO SANITIZING of jacks, mats, rakes or benches. Sanitizers and disinfectant wipes will be available for those who wish to use them.
Masks are not required; HOWEVER, the Health & Safety Committee is recommending that members continue to wear masks inside the Clubhouse and maintain 6-foot distancing.
6-foot distancing is still recommended on the greens to honour the need for many members to proceed through this relaxation transition more slowly.
Bowls Alberta is recommending that all members continue to practice good personal hygiene. This includes no handshakes or high fives before, during or after play. Use the hand sanitizing stations and wash your hands regularly.
Sign-up will continue as before following the same priority assignment based upon time of registration. Drop-in bowling is allowed under the relaxed guidelines but these bowlers will be placed on the bottom of the list and assigned where possible. With limited rinks available be aware that if you just show up there may be no place for you to play. Pre-registration is your best option.
The gates will remain open once unlocked so all members must be aware of and respond to any members of the public who enter once play has started.
Clean Up VolunteerSafety Officer DutiesDrawmaster Duties