By: Keith Wylie – Chair of Health and Safety Committee


To make this easy for everyone, we are pretty much doing every thing the same this year as we did last year.  Of course, we are starting off with solo bowling only but this will be short lived as the government is pushing the limits on trying to get to wide open social situations by Calgary Stampede.

Consequently, I would like to ask that you all have patience and understanding as your Health and Safety Committee works to ensure that you will feel safe when you come to the club to lawn bowl.  Change cannot happen instantly as the metrics that are being used by the government to designate the 3 stages are ever changing and not precisely predictable therefore, the dates that are listed for these stages are merely best guesses and cannot be achieved on specific dates.  For example, mid-June could be any date between June 10th and June 20th which is a 10-day spread.  What I can promise is that your Health and Safety Committee will discuss what protocols and timelines we will follow with the primary aim to ensure the safety our members.

The Commonwealth Club played a full season last year without incident and it is our aim to achieve that same result in 2021.  Work with your Health and Safety Committee this year in the same way that you did in 2020 and this will happen.  All members working together and helping out in all volunteer positions will provide nothing but positive results.

Here are the guidelines for using the sign-up tool that is in place right now.

The link to CLBC ‘Group’ page is:

From here, you can choose the specific signup day/spot that you want by clicking on the “view’ button. 

  • This will show the list of days/spots to choose from:
  • You open the ’spot’ e.g., Bowler – by clicking on the “>Bowler” – it expands to show more information…  and there is an open field to enter Comments.  This is where people were adding who they wanted to play with, or other info. for the Drawmaster to see.  You do a save and done at this point.
  • VERY important – you must save your selections before exiting the main page or they will not be registered.  A screen pops up showing all of the dates that you have booked.

Club Rules and Procedures for Current Restricted Opening

The club will be open for bowling:  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00am, Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7:00pm, and Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm.  Some of the restrictive rules include:

  • Paid members only.
  • All members who wish to play will be required to sign a waiver and a compliance document issued by Bowls Canada.  Emergency contact information will also be required.
  • Start of season is solo bowling only. (except for same household or living alone support person)
  • Each time will be limited to 4 separated rinks on greens A, B and D for 12 in total.
  • No drop-in bowling.  To play, you must preregister.  A simple-to-use online tool will be available.  Those who do not have or use computers will be given a contact person for registering.
  • Players arrive through the main gate.  Records of each arrival must be recorded by reporting to the day safety officer.  Oral confirmation of the symptom’s checklist will be completed when you report to the day safety officer.  Entry to the clubhouse is limited at this time and you must wear a mask.
  • Players will use their own bowls or borrow club bowls for which they take responsibility. 
  • Social Distancing at all times.  Maintain that 6-foot distance.
  • All common surfaces are regularly and appropriately cleaned and sanitized.
  • Washroom use is limited to one person at a time.
  • No lockers.  Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Each person will only touch their own bowls, jack and mat.  Sanitized jacks and mats will be provided for each game. 
  • The clubhouse has hand sanitizer stations for use in the clubhouse, players must have their own sanitizer during play.
  • The kitchen, bar, coffee station, and water fountain are all closed.  Players must bring their own water.
  • After play is finished and jacks are returned, players are asked to depart the property in a timely fashion observing all distancing and gathering restrictions.
  • It is expected that all bowlers will volunteer for day safety officer and cleanup lead every few weeks (draw master role to come).  The sign-up for these positions is through the pre-registration on-line tool.  Fulfilling these duties is a shared responsibility so all bowlers need to help carry the load.

These are the current protocols but you can expect continued updates throughout the season